We headed north towards Cascade Lake, Idaho from Boise and Timmy was especially happy as he and a group of "crazy motorcycle guys" were scheduled to attend a 3 day tour of antique motorcycles that one of his best buddies was hosting.
Ron was nice enough to let us park at his house in the mountains near Cascade Lake, and we arrived and
set up camp for the next 4 days.
I guess Timmy and Ron were not too concerned about the "leveler", they just started digging holes and moving things around after we parked, and before you knew it, the rig was level.
I really appreciated the fact that I wasn't leaning sideways anymore and more importantly, could set my cold beer on the table
without it tipping over and spilling.
All the while, I am thinking... what if we weren't here, and couldn't dig holes, I am sure most campgrounds don't allow reconstruction of their landscaping,... but then I started reminiscing about our
"swampland" episode in Maine again,..
and slapped myself out of it.
The boys had a wonderful ride, and for 3 days the sights of northern Idaho, it's mountains, and it's lakes kept the boys happy!
I opted to take a day and do some hiking and exploring.
I found this quaint little lake just a half a mile down the road
from Rons place.
I have been here at least a dozen times, if not more,
and never knew this lake existed.
It was so peaceful and serene and I enjoyed the solitude of silence instead of the steady rumble of all those antique motorcycles.
The Stevens family hosted a great BBQ the final day of the tour and everyone enjoyed ribs, brisket and chicken that
had been cooking all day.
It was a safe and successful tour!
Our next leg of the adventure was to head back to Boise again, and Ron was nice enough to let us park the Jetson Mobile in
front of his house again.
We were heading to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah for "Speedweek" and had a few days to get the RV ready.
Timmy found out that the parts for the "leveler" not only were not in, but had not been ordered, so after Timmy calmed down,
it was my turn to fret.
Timmy assured me that we probably would not need a leveler at the Salt Flats,... because,... the Flats were flat.
(aren't we quick?)
We loaded up the RV with all kinds of food, including steaks and fixins for shrimp pasta too, and the next day the "Jetson Mobile" was cruising towards Bonneville.
Speedweek is quite the event.
The views of nothing but white sand can almost be overwhelming.
This event has been going on for over 50 years and you see every make, model and year of racing.
From what I understand, some of these cars reached up to 450 miles per hour and the course runs to 5 miles of sheer flat sand.
The gears on these cars are set to start so high, that they all had to be pushed to start until the car reaches a
fast enough speed to drop in gear...
I don't know which is scarier... to be in the race car, or
be in the car or truck pushing from behind!!
This went on for 5 days, and after the 2nd day,... I conveniently realized I had unfinished work to do on my computer and opted to stay in the RV as opposed to spending another day in 110 degrees, with the sound of wind and race cars piercing my ear drums.
Every night was a fun filled night with dinner back at the RV and the most beautiful sunsets of the mountains.
Ron Stevens, is absolutely one of my favorite people in the world!!
This observation deck is so popular, there were professional photographers catching the sun and snapping pics for at least an hour.
set up camp for the next 4 days.
I guess Timmy and Ron were not too concerned about the "leveler", they just started digging holes and moving things around after we parked, and before you knew it, the rig was level.
I really appreciated the fact that I wasn't leaning sideways anymore and more importantly, could set my cold beer on the table
without it tipping over and spilling.
All the while, I am thinking... what if we weren't here, and couldn't dig holes, I am sure most campgrounds don't allow reconstruction of their landscaping,... but then I started reminiscing about our
"swampland" episode in Maine again,..
and slapped myself out of it.
The boys had a wonderful ride, and for 3 days the sights of northern Idaho, it's mountains, and it's lakes kept the boys happy!

I opted to take a day and do some hiking and exploring.
I found this quaint little lake just a half a mile down the road
from Rons place.
I have been here at least a dozen times, if not more,
and never knew this lake existed.
It was so peaceful and serene and I enjoyed the solitude of silence instead of the steady rumble of all those antique motorcycles.
The Stevens family hosted a great BBQ the final day of the tour and everyone enjoyed ribs, brisket and chicken that
had been cooking all day.
It was a safe and successful tour!
Our next leg of the adventure was to head back to Boise again, and Ron was nice enough to let us park the Jetson Mobile in
front of his house again.
We were heading to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah for "Speedweek" and had a few days to get the RV ready.
Timmy found out that the parts for the "leveler" not only were not in, but had not been ordered, so after Timmy calmed down,
it was my turn to fret.
Timmy assured me that we probably would not need a leveler at the Salt Flats,... because,... the Flats were flat.
(aren't we quick?)
We loaded up the RV with all kinds of food, including steaks and fixins for shrimp pasta too, and the next day the "Jetson Mobile" was cruising towards Bonneville.
Speedweek is quite the event.
The views of nothing but white sand can almost be overwhelming.
This event has been going on for over 50 years and you see every make, model and year of racing.
From what I understand, some of these cars reached up to 450 miles per hour and the course runs to 5 miles of sheer flat sand.
The gears on these cars are set to start so high, that they all had to be pushed to start until the car reaches a
fast enough speed to drop in gear...
I don't know which is scarier... to be in the race car, or
be in the car or truck pushing from behind!!
This went on for 5 days, and after the 2nd day,... I conveniently realized I had unfinished work to do on my computer and opted to stay in the RV as opposed to spending another day in 110 degrees, with the sound of wind and race cars piercing my ear drums.
Every night was a fun filled night with dinner back at the RV and the most beautiful sunsets of the mountains.
We even rendezvoused with friends we met on our first motorhome trip to Ventura. They were from New Zealand and are here until October living in their motorhome.
(crazy people :)
We even threatened to visit them down under and rent a motorhome and travel with them.
We just laughed the night away with them and really hope to see them again soon!
Back to Boise Again!
Seems we just can't get enough of Boise.
It is fast becoming one of my favorite cities.
We parked in front of Ron's house again, and by this time, the neighbors were not quite sure what was going on.
I'm sure they were happy when we left, and to keep coming back is probably quite confusing, but then again....
I am confused!!
Forget about them!
The next morning, we woke up to the smell of burnt rubber and for a moment I was thinking,.. I probably should have put Timmy's clothes he wore at the race track in a large garbage bag and sealed it.... as the smell of burnt rubber was the main course of each day
at the Salt Flats.
Timmy mumbled something ...
"I think we burnt out the belt for the air conditioner"....
at first, I just wanted to believe he was still sleeping and
was having a bad dream....
but he opened his eyes and said....
"I think the belt burnt out on the air conditioner..."
"You think, or you know....
this is a very important question Timmy"
"He mumbled,.... "I know".
Instead of getting upset,.. I calmly replied...
"of course it did...."
Thank God we were in Boise and we could stay in Ron's house while everything was to be fixed.
Ron let us use his BMW motorcycle and Timmy and I decided to take a ride up to Idaho City for a late breakfast, before the heat setled in.
The views were spectacular and I had no idea this reservoir was just a few miles outside of Boise.
We had a great day of riding, and got home right as the temperature started to soar.
We ended up back on this lake again with
my dear ya ya sister Jill and her husband Jim.
They have a boat and had invited us to go out on
"Lucky Pete" for a day on the water....
We had a great time and the views of mountains all around us was truly magnificent.
It is always
a great day when you can spend it with a Ya Ya!!
We had a few more days in Boise, and decided to celebrate my birthday out on the town.
Timmy and I have a good friend who previously owned
Te Amo Italian Restaurante in Laguna Beach.
We spent years going to this great little charm on the water, and my son Matthew even proposed to Erin at Te Amo, so needless to say... when we found out Robert had a restaurant in Boise, called Barbacoa, we were beyond estactic.
Robert wined and dined us and we had no use to look at the menu,..
Robert kept ordering food, and they served us at least 6 different courses, which the halibut sauteed in pumpkin seeds was my favorite.
I was happy that Ya Ya Jill, her hubby Jim and Ron could join us and it was a wonderful evening, even though I might have had a little too much wine.
We just love him!!!
Timmy had made plans to go back out to the
Salt Flats for more racing and it is very obvious these guys can not get enough of burnt rubber!!
Apparently they have the cars race one week and then 2 weeks later the motorcycles race.
Although another one of our good friends "Vegas Bob" was scheduled to race on Saturday...
I conveniently remembered I had a few of Billy's famous unfinished margaritas to drink at my sisters house in Denver, so I caught the next days plane and was excited to see Mindy.
Even though the air conditioner and the hydraulic level
had been fixed, deciding to
stand in 100 degrees for 4 days with
a bunch of rowdy motorcycle guys
getting high off all the fumes,
float in my sisters pool, while Billy the cabana boy served us margaritas was a tough decision ...
I took a chance and opted for Denver.
Billy's famous blended "Blue Margaritas"
We had a blast, as we always do,..
and I couldn't help but feel a little guilty, as I thought about my hubby in the heat, on the salt...
and then I would take a sip of my blue margarita ...
and everything was okay!
Meanwhile... back at the Salt Flats...I had asked my hubby to take lots of pictures of Bob racing. Timmy was thrilled to be his pit crew and they wrenched for 4 days.
Bob rides an old 1953 Indian Chief and beat his old time
from 94 miles per hour to 97.2 miles per hour!!
Could you imagine racing one of these old machines,
just you, the bike and the sand....
Nice job Roberto!!!!
I was all set to fly into Salt Lake from Denver as Bonneville is only 2 hours away from Salt Lake, and Timmy could drive from the Salt Flats straight into Salt Lake and pick me up at the airport.
Timmy's sister Teresa lives in Salt Lake, and was kind enough to let us park in front of her house.
We had a dinner out on the town with the best ribs
I have ever tasted in my life.
I can't believe I have never been to Salt Lake before,..
it is a beautiful city nestled up against the mountains.
It was a quick stop, and we had big plans for some beautiful sights in store on our way home through
southern Utah and northern Arizona.
Capital Reef Bound
I had gone through Capital Reef a few summers ago when a few of my girlfriends decided to take a cross country trip
from California to Iowa.
Capital Reef is a huge national park in Utah and you simply can not see it all in a one day excursion.
We drove 8 hours and found a great little RV park near Capital Reef and planned to get up early and drive the sights.
We had no sooner pulled in and was unhooking the jeep,..
and we hear...."Hey, I know you..."
It was the people from the very first night when we stayed in Zion who were parked next to us and enjoyed glaring at us and
our every move.
They also had the canopy that goes up with a push of a button...which they had reminded us of that, as they watched us try and unroll our canopy while Timmy was perched on the ladder.
I am feeling a dejavu as I am getting everything set up and they continue to watch the show...
and I am thinking,...
what are the odds that we would ever run into these people again?
Timmy had a strange look on his face and excused himself and motioned to me to meet him in the RV...
he whispers..."Janis,... I almost told them to check out our travel blog and they can see where we have been for 3 months... but I remembered you had written about them the first night... so I caught myself before I said it.... so don't tell them to read our blog cause
they will know it is them....."
I looked at my husband and chuckled.....he sounded just like a girl.
They may have a push button canopy,... but I felt a sense of pride when we asked them where they have been traveling... they said...
"oh just around here... "
which is great,... I have nothing negative to say about that....
but I must admit when we told them we have put on almost 17,000 miles and traveled to the East Coast, Canada,
and back toward California...
the looks on their faces were priceless....
I'll show you a push button canopy!!
Driving the Capital Reef
We had all day to explore Capital Reef and I was so excited,
I could hardly contain myself.
This park is home to the most beautiful rocks
and formations in Utah.
The views were so spectacular,
we just kept stopping to enjoy the sights.
As our Great American Adventure is winding down to a close, I find myself sentimental about the " Jetson Mobile".... I mean, just look at those retro rockets on the side....
We made many stops along the way...
One can never be to cautious when it comes to rattle snakes...
The shape of some of these rock formations were unreal.
Some looked like pink castles and others looked like domes.
As we were heading out of the Capital Reef area, we stopped to read and learned, the best was yet to come.
On down the road to
Monument Valley
The drive to Monument Valley was the best of all.
Monument Valley is famous for the thousands of rock formations that look like monuments.
Have you ever seen anything like it?
It is also famous for many western movies and there are pictures of John Wayne all over the Indian Reservation Casinos.
Timmy had taken a motorcycle tour group through this area a few years back, and kept pushing to get to our final destination
to hit the sunset.
We hit it.
I'd like to think mine weren't too shabby either,.. but really...
how can anyone take a bad picture in this amazing place?
Dinner at the casino and we caught this little gem walking out.
Our last leg towards home was to stay in Laughlin, Nevada, one of my favorite gambling places on the river.
You know, there is nothing better than being able to shoot craps and look out and see the river.... most of the casinos here are right on the rivers edge and have windows over looking the river, so you don't feel like you are indoors....
(which could be dangerous)
They even have water taxis to take you up and down the river.
Timmy and I had dinner at our favorite prime rib place over looking the river and we shared tears of joy as we reminisced about our trip.
We talked for 2 hours about our trip, things we loved, things we would not do again, we shared our favorite places, ...
I guess we were just trying to hold on to the last fleeting moments of this great adventure.
As we headed home I contemplated the past 3 months and
all that I have learned.
I have learned about canopies, cannolies and cannons
I learned about Belfast, buoys and Bar Harbor
I learned about Thunder Bay, Thunder Mountain and Toledo
I learned abut the Salmon River, the Snake and St. Lawrence
I learned about canyons, Quebec and cathedrals
I learned about Gettysburg, Gouldings and Gloucester
and I learned that this list just went on and on...
the thing I learned most...
and the thing I learned best.....
I learned
that basically
Thank you all for sharing in
Grabers Great American Adventure
The "Jetson Mobile" officially signing off....
Over and Out